Lake Mary

Big Cottonwood Canyon

Distance:  2.1 miles RT to lake ~620 feet

Difficulty: Easy-Moderate

Available: Spring-Fall

Dogs ARE NOT allowed

Lake Mary is another one that I would add to your list. This trail is found right behind the Mt. Majestic Lodge at Brighton ski resort. The trail has a moderate incline the whole way up, but is worth the view once you're at the lake. Beware: the chipmunks here are superrrrr friendly. They will eat the food right out of your hands if you let them. I love this hike because once you reach the lake, you can choose if you want to continue, or if you're satisfied. If you are feeling like hiking some more, there are two lakes that are found above Lake Mary: Lake Martha, and Lake Catherine. Lake Mary is the biggest of the three, and is surrounded by beautiful granite rocks. Lake Martha and Lake Catherine are pretty as well, and worth the climb. If you choose to see all three, the total distance is ~3.5 miles RT and ~1200 feet elevation. I've been up to Lake Mary several different times of the year, and the end of July with all of the wildflowers cannot be beat! Try it out sometime!

Another successful Momstrong hike in the books!

Another successful Momstrong hike in the books!

Back when my youngest brother had a curly afro.

Back when my youngest brother had a curly afro.

^^This was back before we knew you weren't supposed to cliff-jump. Oops! ;)

^^This was back before we knew you weren't supposed to cliff-jump. Oops! ;)


Get up there... you'll love it!!