Let's get that core strong, shall we? I love incorporating a bosu ball, and these moves are especially great for those who have a bad lower back. If you don't have access to a bosu, each of these moves can be modified, and you can do without. Ready... go!
1. Bosu crunchers, 30 reps
2. 45 sec. - 1 min. Bosu plank
3. Bosu swimmers, 30 reps
4. 45 sec. - 1 min. Bosu Spiderman crawls
5. Bosu straight-leg sit-ups, 30 reps
6. 45 sec. - 1 min. Bosu plank
7. Bicycles, 30 reps
8. 45 sec. - 1 min. Bosu Spiderman crawls
Repeat 2x through.