No time to get to the gym? Do this in your kitchen today! Grab 5# DBs (two heavy soup cans, your toddler) and two sliders (or use washcloths, towels, etc.) ... get creative! I was able to squeeze this one in, and it felt good to get moving.

1. 1 minute cursty lunge with shoulder press

2. 30 seconds curtsy lunge with snow angel arms

3. right leg toe taps, 12 reps into right leg lateral toe taps, 12 reps

4. left leg toe taps, 12 reps, into left leg lateral toe taps, 12 reps

5. 1 minute right leg reverse lunge into lateral lunge (try this holding a 25# toddler, and you'll want to die haha)

6. 1 minute left leg reverse lunge into lateral lunge

7. 30 second slide out bridges using sliders, each leg

8. 30 second heel slides (alternating feet)

9. 1 minute right arm side slide, switch arms

10. 1 minute bird dog

11. 30 seconds modified push-ups

12. 1 minute alt. front raises into both arm front raise into snow angel arms

DONE. Phew!